Best Practice Spain –

It is a good practise managed by “Repsol Foundation” in Murcia, Tarragona, Ciudad Real and A Coruña, in which have participated more than 30 students in VET centres.

The main purpose of this project is to improve the employment of the students.
With this purpose on mind, they have created the program “Emprendimiento FP – VET Entrepreneurship” that consists in a Hackathon of ideas. It consists on didactic sessions for the development of innovative solutions to particular problems.

They have followed different dynamics of teaching such as Design thinking and Lean start-up.

These type of initiatives are great ways for students to develop their creative mind and to know how to face the challenges that may arise within the business world.
In addition, it is important to emphasize that all the students that participated in this initiative were motivated because the winner of each region would receive an award.

The final results obtained by each group of students are for sure a success in the development of new dynamics. For example, the winners of A Coruña, designed an online platform that connects students with companies in order to solve problems.

Categories: Best Practice


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