Design Thinking is becoming an increasingly widespread approach to innovation, also in Italy. Initially adopted by design studios, today the Design Thinking methodology is adopted by the world of management at different levels and offers different contributions, so much so that it has become a fully-fledged part of management training programmes. Business schools are structurally introducing into their MBA programmes courses dedicated Design Thinking.

Design Thinking revolutionises Digital Innovation Management in businesses: in an era in which digital transformation is becoming more and more important, Design Thinking is a buzzing reality that is experiencing a real boom in the sectors most affected by digital transformation and finds application in the resolution of complex problems (Creative Problem Solving approach), in the rapid implementation and testing of products and services (Sprint Execution), in activities designed to involve employees more deeply in creative processes (Creative Confidence) and in the redefinition of the company’s strategic vision (Innovation of Meaning).

According to the Design Thinking Observatory for Business of the Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management, Italy has already started to adopt digital technologies to facilitate and support creative innovation processes. In this sense, the human dimension must not be left on the sidelines. Design Thinking is a tool that allows people, at a time of exposure to an increasing amount of information and ever more complex and constantly evolving technologies, to grasp what is really valuable in a product or service and what can really bring innovation and involvement to companies. In this context, the Observatory is mapping and analysing all the tools that are now available to facilitate remote collaboration and innovation: Miro, Mural, Google Docs are just three of the platforms that have entered the common way of running Design Thinking workshops for consultants and innovators in recent months.

In this context, it is important what the ADDET project aims to do by contributing to the development of problem-solving skills of VET students through the application of design thinking methodology, already from upper secondary and higher VET students. To stay updated with the progress of the ADDET project you can follow our Facebook page


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