During January 19-21, 2022, within the ADDET project, the short-term mobility of trainers and teachers took place.
After a period of restrictions due to the pandemic situation, when travel was difficult or impossible, two representatives from each country participated for three days (and two for transportation) in the learning activity aimed at using the apprenticeship model, based on design thinking methodology and how to use the trainers’ guide.
The learning activity also focused on how to implement the pilots.
The training was organized in English, at the level appropriate to all and also helped to raise awareness of the needs of students at European level.
During the learning activity, the participants were instructed on: the needs of the apprentices regarding the lack of problem-solving skills, the use of the apprenticeship model, the use of the methodology based on the design thinking method. The activity presented the use of the instructor’s guide, the preparation of the pilot and the way in which a good and efficient practice is achieved.
The project members developed and presented the following topics:
- Problem-based learning and the needs of apprentices regarding the lack of problem-solving skills
- Presentation of apprenticeship system in all participating countries
- Design Thinking methodology, a solution-based approach to solving problems
- Methodology to incorporate design thinking methodology in WBL
- The ADDET model
- Competence grid for problem-solving skills and competences
- The ADDET trainers guide
- ADDET pilots and seminars for trainers
- Definition and assessment of learning outcomes workshop
- Workshops: Defining a challenge and completing the programme design
- How to identify a good practice and report it
- Quality assurance framework for apprenticeships
- Monitoring and evaluation of ADDET apprenticeships
- Documents we need to keep for the report of pilots
- Creating networks between companies and Education institutions, for the organisation of apprenticeships
- Promotion and dissemination of ADDET, before the start of the pilots
- Preparation for the pilots
- Validation of the apprenticeship model
At the end of the meeting, the following mobilities were discussed and the work plan for the next period.
As an added value, the participants managed to achieve their goals, to improve their listening and speaking skills in English for a good intercultural understanding, developing communication skills and teamwork.
Apprenticeship for the Development of Design Thinking -ADDET, through everything it represents as a concept, fits perfectly with EU requirements and, as such, the realized intellectual products will be able to be accessed and consulted successfully by all partners and member countries, being considered open educational resources.
Thanks to the hosts and participants for their involvement and professionalism!
Elena Zemeili
CEIG, Braila, Romania
Leading Organisation