Since 2020 the ADDET project has developed an innovative apprenticeship model for VET students aiming at developing their competences and employability. This innovative model includes both theoretical and more practical aspects, and in both cases the presence of a competent trainer is needed. For this reason, the trainers’ guide has been created.
This latter is an extremely useful tool addressed to trainers that design, organize and facilitate apprenticeships; it provides practical information and suggestions in relation to how the ADDET model can be applied with students.
The purpose of the guide is mainly to help the trainers to teach the problem-solving abilities, to present and promote successful examples of the apprenticeship model and to demonstrate its applicability to a wide range of sectors and countries.
Moreover, the guide explains how, in relation to the mentioned model, the main goal of a trainer should be to establish an effective learning process which content and problem-based lessons depend on the organization interests and needs; it is fundamental to choose the right problem upon which to base the training.
The three main categories used are: making decisions (determination of a solution from different options), problem-solving (determine errors and concrete solutions), or strategic performance (meaning solving challenging problems using more approaches); all is based on possible real-life issues, to enhance recognition and identification skills. The centerpiece of this outcomes-based approach is to design the lessons making the expectations of the trainers clear from the beginning.
Besides, in the abovementioned document it is stated the importance of the trainer both as a supervisor or an evaluator and as a guide.
In the former case he or she is responsible for keeping the compass of the learning experience and a stable and equal attitude among the students. In the latter, he or she gives feedbacks on their improvements.
The last part of the guide is dedicated to an overview of the Design Thinking (DT) method. It briefly deals with the mindset of DT and its benefits both for a company and for students. Moreover, it analyzes the five phases that characterize it (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test) giving suggestions about activities to implement, the steps to follow for each phase explaining why each of them is important, and finally some tips to apply the method of DT.
As a conclusion the guide deals with the methodology and criteria for the assessment of the learning outcomes and their importance, putting at disposal also some useful templates.
Categories: Generally