Apprenticeship model IO1
The apprenticeship model will consist in the development of a sustainable business solution, based on real problems of the company that host the apprenticeship. The apprenticeship will use problem-based learning methods to keep the students engaged. The apprenticeship model will include theoretical foundation and guiding principles for the design, implementation and evaluation of apprenticeship programme.
At first all project partners found Best Practices to show how students use problem solving skills or design thinking methoods in in very different kind of projects and sectors.

For SME who want to better understand and apply problem solving skills through design thinking methodology and apprenticeship in the business. DESIGN THINKING & APPRENTICESHIP, can help do it efficiently and effectively.For companies seeking excellence, design thinking methodology offers synergy between business strategy and products. It finds innovative solutions to problems in a way that puts the customers’ needs first. While design thinking is often used at the product level, it can be applied to all levels of an organization.
Every company, no matter the industry, must innovate to survive. In these fast-moving days of digital transformation, business strategy is more often about imagining a different future for a business than it is about controlling and optimizing what happens today.
Design thinking emphasizes on human abilities and is an effective approach for making changes. It nurtures a set of skills, which are essential for acquiring problem solving competences: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, motivation, reflection and patience, skills which are also required by the workplace.
- a positive impact on organisation’s performance
- contributes to reducing the cost of external recruitment and internal induction (introducing staff to a new job and organisation)
- enhances company image and reputation
- increases staff retention and work satisfaction
- provides an effective way for adequate skills supply of skills
- a better employee candidate pool, leading to lower future training costs
- availability of skilled workers by investing in the future workforce
- enhances organisation’s profitability
- increased levels of innovation – trainees bring innovation into the experience, in particular digital skills and open innovation
- knowlegde about the latest trends, i.e. young people bring fresh ideas and challenge
- old habits
- increases employability and fostering the acquisition of key competences and employability skills
- contribution for education system that meets the requirements of the business
- reduced youth unemployment
- increased social responsibility
- higher social integration and inclusion at national level
- a better social cohesion and cooperation at regional level
- preparation of qualified mentors and trainers
- higher economic return through reducing public expenditure and freeing up funds for other priorities
- improved intergenerational exchange
- improved active citizenship
Results for the Apprenticeship model in the project partner languages
Here can you find the information package in English.
- Apprenticeship model English
- Apprenticeship model Deutsch
- Apprenticeship model Română
- Apprenticeship model български
- Apprenticeship model Italiano
- Apprenticeship model Ελληνικά
- Apprenticeship model Türk
- Apprenticeship model Español
Trainer’s Guide IO2
The “Trainers’ Guide” is a guide for trainers in VET organizations and companies that aims to support the design, implementation, management, evaluation, and validation of the apprenticeship model.This guide will help you understand the notion of entrepreneurial spirit and allow you to develop the capacity to transfer the entrepreneurial spirit to apprentices. This guide will also demonstrate the wide applicability of the apprenticeship model to every sector and country.
The trainers’ guide is composed of a main text consisting of six chapters and two annexes.
Results for the Trainer’s guide in the project partner languages
- Trainer’s guide English and success stories
- Trainer’s guide Deutsch und Best Practice Beispiel der Erpobung
- Trainer’s guide Română and povesti de success
- Trainer’s guide български
- Trainer’s guide Italiano and Storie di successo dai piloting
- Trainer’s guide Ελληνικά and Επιτυχημένες ιστορίες από τους πιλότους
- Trainer’s guide Türk and Pilot Uygulamalardan Başarı Hikayeleri
- Trainer’s guide Español and Historias de Éxito de los Pilotajes
The “VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships” guide will encourage and support local companies and VET centres to join the partnership and adopt the apprenticeship model. The guide will present practical support for the creation of partnerships and successful stories in various sectors on the basis of the pilots.
Results for the VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide in the project partner languages
- VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide English and template MOU
- VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide Deutsch
- VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide Română
- VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide български
- VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide Italiano
- VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide Ελληνικά
- VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide Türk
- VET-company partnerships for apprenticeships guide Español